Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Beginning

My mother always told me "Your life is like a soap opera...you've had such a wide variety of experiences, you should write a book some day!" At the time I just laughed. In fact, I believe it was one of those times when we were reminiscing over the time in high school when she had me write down a list of all the "boyfriends" I had had up to that point. I'm sure I still have that list some where in my old school memorabilia box packed away in the attic somewhere. Anyway, I digress. This morning as I was totally bored at work (and the stories from my job could make a whole book in itself) I was cruising around the internet and stumbled upon a blog that had been written by a mother who was seeing her two children off to school. And for some reason I thought...I have 4 kids...a wonderful husband...a veritable zoo of animals...I have tons of things that happen to me and my crew in my life...why not write a blog? So here I am...I have never done anything like this before. And I'm not sure there will be anyone who is actually interested in anything I have to say. But, I think this is a good thing for me to do to stay out of trouble lol...it's therapeutic to put my thoughts on paper. Add to that it actually helps my failing memory...and one day...maybe...just maybe my children, and or friends/family will read through my ramblings and have a chuckle. And at some point in the future I will take that sabbatical...and go off by myself and actually write that best selling novel and make tons of money! Until then, some of my thoughts/stories will be boring, some funny, some sad, some happy...I'm open to simply writing about my life and my memories...from the past...to the present...to the future. Don't expect any order or sense out of my nonsense...just sit back and enjoy my ramblings. I've had an amazing life....so far! It can only get better!!

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